The Color Run

Today was sooo much fun! I don’t know if anyone has ever heard of the Color Run. It’s a 5k race with 4 color stations throughout the course where they throw colored powder on you. I heard it was flour but no idea what it actually was. Didn’t taste like anything but I bought a bandana to put over my nose and mouth just in case…didn’t want to be inhaling anything unsafe. Obviously it’s safe or they wouldn’t be able to throw it on you but I didn’t want to take any chances. It was seriously like a cloud of color when you ran through it. Anyway, they do them all over the country and they came to Nashville this year! You start off wearing a white t-shirt but by the end, you are covered in color! It was AWESOME! Of course I couldn’t run and luckily neither could one of my friends so no one suspected anything when we said we were going to walk. Doctor’s orders. I usually run 3 miles a day and do some kickboxing. I was told not to run until I got the “OK” from the doctor at my appointment. So walking it is for the next 2 1/2 weeks. Better safe than sorry…gotta keep Baby Brooks safe 🙂 That’s my nickname for it. Since we obviously don’t know what we’re having…can’t call it “he” or “she” and I REALLY hate saying “IT”…so baby brooks it is. Or Bean. I say that too because right now that’s probably what it looks like in there. hehe. Still weird to think about it. And saying it out loud…”I’m pregnant!” is still strange.

Anyway, after I got home I was exhausted since I was up at 4:20 again this morning. Had to pick up my friend at 7am so I was going to get up at like 6:00 anyway so wasn’t too bad. So when I got home I took a shower and scrubbed off all the paint powder. I laid on the couch and of course fell asleep for about 2 hours. I only woke up when my dog came up to tell me she had to go potty. I went to the store and picked up a couple pumpkins so the husband and I could carve some pumpkins tonight. He of course did YODA and I just did a generic “Wicked”. It’s cute. We don’t have any pictures because they didn’t really show up on our cameras but we have them sitting out on our front porch with flickering candles in them. Don’t worry, they’re battery operated so no fire hazard.

So I’d say it’s been a pretty great day! Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. And really hoping that I can get SLEEP well tonight. If I get up early, at least it gives me an excuse to get on the treadmill and walk a couple miles before work. I’ll leave you with a couple pictures. Before and after at the Color Run 🙂

BTW- I’m on the left.